package br.inpe.cmc202.satellite; import java.util.Properties; import org.hipparchus.geometry.euclidean.threed.Rotation; import org.hipparchus.geometry.euclidean.threed.Vector3D; import org.hipparchus.linear.ArrayRealVector; import org.hipparchus.linear.LUDecomposition; import org.hipparchus.linear.MatrixUtils; import org.hipparchus.linear.RealMatrix; import org.hipparchus.linear.RealVector; import org.orekit.errors.OrekitException; import org.orekit.frames.Frame; import org.orekit.propagation.SpacecraftState; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import br.inpe.cmc202.satellite.actuators.SetOfMagnetorquers; import br.inpe.cmc202.satellite.actuators.SetOfReactionWheels; import br.inpe.cmc202.satellite.controllers.Controller; import br.inpe.cmc202.satellite.controllers.NopeController; import br.inpe.cmc202.satellite.controllers.SetOfMagnetorquersController; import br.inpe.cmc202.satellite.controllers.linear.ProportionalDerivativeLinearSunVectorController; import br.inpe.cmc202.satellite.controllers.lqr.ProportionalLinearEulerAnglesLQRController; import br.inpe.cmc202.satellite.controllers.lqr.ProportionalLinearQuaternionFullLQRController; import br.inpe.cmc202.satellite.controllers.lqr.ProportionalLinearQuaternionPartialLQRController; import br.inpe.cmc202.satellite.controllers.sdre.ProportionalNonLinearEulerAnglesSDREController; import br.inpe.cmc202.satellite.controllers.sdre.ProportionalNonLinearMRPSDREController; import br.inpe.cmc202.satellite.controllers.sdre.ProportionalNonLinearQuaternionFullSDREController; import br.inpe.cmc202.satellite.sensors.Gyroscope; import br.inpe.cmc202.satellite.sensors.Magnetometer; import br.inpe.cmc202.satellite.sensors.SetOfSunSensors; /** * * Class that centralizes the satellite configuration. * * * @author alessandro.g.romero * */ public class Satellite { final private Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Satellite.class); /** * Inertia Tensor It is related to the centre of mass of the satellite. */ final private RealMatrix I; /** * Inertia Tensor (^-1) - inverse */ final private RealMatrix I_inverse; /** * Inertia Tensor It is related to the centre of mass of the satellite. This * inertia tensor reflects the parametric uncertainty in the "real" * satellite. */ final private RealMatrix I_mu; /** * Inertia Tensor (^-1) - inverse This inertia tensor reflects the * parametric uncertainty in the "real" satellite. */ final private RealMatrix I_inverse_mu; // sensors final private SetOfSunSensors setOfSunSensors; final private Magnetometer magnetometer; final private Gyroscope gyroscope; // actuators final private SetOfMagnetorquers setOfMagnetorquer; final private SetOfReactionWheels setOfReactionWheels; // controllers final private Controller controller; final private SetOfMagnetorquersController setOfMagnetorquerController; // references final Vector3D angularVelocityReference_body; final Vector3D sunReference_body; // to store sate for the controller private SpacecraftState spacecraftState; /** * It defines if the current mode for attitude is to define a target * quarternion or if it computes comparing the solar vector and * the desired direction (it does not know the current attitude - only two * vectors in the body frame). */ private boolean modeUsingAttitude = true; // to store the target attitude in ECI private Rotation targetQuaternion = null; /** * It is used to indicate that external torques must be accounted using a * random variable with: mean 0, variance 1 and the magnitude defined. * * It is used in the kinetics. */ private double externalTorquesMagnitude = 0; /** * It is used in the SDRE Controllers parametrized A(x,\alpha) */ private double alpha1 = 0d; /** * Constructor. * * @param ecef * @param reactionWheelControllerName * @param magnetorqueControllerName * @param satelliteConfiguration */ public Satellite(Frame ecef, String reactionWheelControllerName, String magnetorqueControllerName, Properties satelliteConfiguration, Properties inertiaTensor) { // sensors this.setOfSunSensors = new SetOfSunSensors(); this.magnetometer = new Magnetometer(ecef); this.gyroscope = new Gyroscope(); // actuators if ("SetOfMagnetorquersController".equals(magnetorqueControllerName)) { this.setOfMagnetorquer = new SetOfMagnetorquers( satelliteConfiguration); } else { this.setOfMagnetorquer = null; } this.setOfReactionWheels = new SetOfReactionWheels( satelliteConfiguration); // ANGULAR VELOCITY - REFERENCE // ---------------------------------- if (satelliteConfiguration == null) { this.angularVelocityReference_body = new Vector3D(0, 0, 0); } else { this.angularVelocityReference_body = new Vector3D( Double.valueOf(satelliteConfiguration.getProperty( "reference.angularVelocity.x", "0")), Double.valueOf(satelliteConfiguration.getProperty( "reference.angularVelocity.y", "0")), Double.valueOf(satelliteConfiguration.getProperty( "reference.angularVelocity.z", "0"))); } // SUN - REFERENCE // ---------------------------------- if (satelliteConfiguration == null) { this.sunReference_body = new Vector3D(1, 0, 0); } else { this.sunReference_body = new Vector3D( Double.valueOf(satelliteConfiguration.getProperty( "reference.sun.x", "1")), Double.valueOf(satelliteConfiguration.getProperty( "reference.sun.y", "0")), Double.valueOf(satelliteConfiguration.getProperty( "reference.sun.z", "0"))); } // INERTIA TENSORS // ---------------------------------- RealMatrix I = null; if (satelliteConfiguration == null) { I = MatrixUtils.createRealMatrix(new double[][] { { 310, 1.11, 1.01 }, { 1.11, 360, -0.35 }, { 1.01, -0.35, 530.7 } }); } else { I = MatrixUtils.createRealMatrix(new double[][] { { Double.valueOf(satelliteConfiguration.getProperty( "inertiaMoment.1.1", "310d")), Double.valueOf(satelliteConfiguration.getProperty( "inertiaMoment.1.2", "1.11d")), Double.valueOf(satelliteConfiguration.getProperty( "inertiaMoment.1.3", "1.01d")) }, { Double.valueOf(satelliteConfiguration.getProperty( "inertiaMoment.2.1", "1.11d")), Double.valueOf(satelliteConfiguration.getProperty( "inertiaMoment.2.2", "360d")), Double.valueOf(satelliteConfiguration.getProperty( "inertiaMoment.2.3", "-0.35d")) }, { Double.valueOf(satelliteConfiguration.getProperty( "inertiaMoment.3.1", "1.01d")), Double.valueOf(satelliteConfiguration.getProperty( "inertiaMoment.3.2", "-0.35d")), Double.valueOf(satelliteConfiguration.getProperty( "inertiaMoment.3.3", "530.7d")) } }); } // if (getSetOfReactionWheels() == null) { this.I = I; } else { // taking into account the set of reaction wheels this.I = I.subtract(getSetOfReactionWheels() .getInertiaTensorContribution()); } // inverting the inertia tensor // it will be used // it uses the lower upper decomposition as defined in the // hipparchus this.I_inverse = new LUDecomposition(this.I).getSolver().getInverse(); // ******************** // MODEL UNCERTAINTY // ******************** if (inertiaTensor == null) { // MODEL UNCERTAINTY NOT PRESENT this.I_mu = this.I; this.I_inverse_mu = this.I_inverse; } else { RealMatrix I_mu = null; // MODEL UNCERTAINTY PRESENT I_mu = MatrixUtils.createRealMatrix(new double[][] { { Double.valueOf(inertiaTensor.getProperty( "inertiaMoment.1.1")), Double.valueOf(inertiaTensor.getProperty( "inertiaMoment.1.2")), Double.valueOf(inertiaTensor.getProperty( "inertiaMoment.1.3")) }, { Double.valueOf(inertiaTensor.getProperty( "inertiaMoment.2.1")), Double.valueOf(inertiaTensor.getProperty( "inertiaMoment.2.2")), Double.valueOf(inertiaTensor.getProperty( "inertiaMoment.2.3")) }, { Double.valueOf(inertiaTensor.getProperty( "inertiaMoment.3.1")), Double.valueOf(inertiaTensor.getProperty( "inertiaMoment.3.2")), Double.valueOf(inertiaTensor.getProperty( "inertiaMoment.3.3")) } }); // if (getSetOfReactionWheels() == null) { this.I_mu = I_mu; } else { // taking into account the set of reaction wheels this.I_mu = I_mu.subtract(getSetOfReactionWheels() .getInertiaTensorContribution()); } // inverting the inertia tensor // it will be used // it uses the lower upper decomposition as defined in the // hipparchus this.I_inverse_mu = new LUDecomposition(this.I_mu).getSolver() .getInverse(); } // ******************** // MODEL UNCERTAINTY // ******************** // controller switch (reactionWheelControllerName) { case "ProportionalDerivativeLinearSunVectorController": this.controller = new ProportionalDerivativeLinearSunVectorController(); break; case "ProportionalLinearEulerAnglesLQRController": this.controller = new ProportionalLinearEulerAnglesLQRController( this); break; case "ProportionalNonLinearEulerAnglesSDREController": this.controller = new ProportionalNonLinearEulerAnglesSDREController( this); break; case "ProportionalLinearQuaternionFullLQRController": this.controller = new ProportionalLinearQuaternionFullLQRController( this); break; case "ProportionalLinearQuaternionPartialLQRController": this.controller = new ProportionalLinearQuaternionPartialLQRController( this); break; case "ProportionalNonLinearQuaternionSDREController_OMEGA": // NO CONTROLLABLE this.controller = new ProportionalNonLinearQuaternionFullSDREController( this, "OMEGA"); break; case "ProportionalNonLinearQuaternionSDREController_XI": // NO CONTROLLABLE this.controller = new ProportionalNonLinearQuaternionFullSDREController( this, "XI"); break; case "ProportionalNonLinearQuaternionSDREController_GIBBS": this.controller = new ProportionalNonLinearQuaternionFullSDREController( this, "GIBBS"); break; case "ProportionalNonLinearQuaternionSDREController_GIBBS_SECOND": this.controller = new ProportionalNonLinearQuaternionFullSDREController( this, "GIBBS_SECOND"); break; case "ProportionalNonLinearQuaternionSDREController_ALPHA": this.controller = new ProportionalNonLinearQuaternionFullSDREController( this, "ALPHA"); break; case "ProportionalNonLinearMRPSDREController_FIRST": this.controller = new ProportionalNonLinearMRPSDREController(this, "FIRST"); break; case "ProportionalNonLinearMRPSDREController_SECOND": this.controller = new ProportionalNonLinearMRPSDREController(this, "SECOND"); break; case "ProportionalNonLinearMRPSDREController_ALPHA": this.controller = new ProportionalNonLinearMRPSDREController(this, "ALPHA"); break; default: this.controller = new NopeController(); } if (!"SetOfMagnetorquersController".equals(magnetorqueControllerName)) { this.setOfMagnetorquerController = null; } else { this.setOfMagnetorquerController = new SetOfMagnetorquersController(); } } /** * Additional constructor for the definition of alpha and external torques. * * @param ecef * @param reactionWheelControllerName * @param magnetorqueControllerName * @param alpha1 * @param externalTorquesMagnitude * @param satelliteProperties */ public Satellite(Frame ecef, String reactionWheelControllerName, String magnetorqueControllerName, double alpha1, double externalTorquesMagnitude, Properties satelliteProperties, Properties inertiaTensor) { this(ecef, reactionWheelControllerName, magnetorqueControllerName, satelliteProperties, inertiaTensor); this.alpha1 = alpha1; this.externalTorquesMagnitude = externalTorquesMagnitude; } /** * Get the Inertia tensor to be used * * @return */ public RealMatrix getI() { return this.I_mu; } /** * Get the inverse of the Inertia tensor ^-1 to be used * * @return */ public RealMatrix getI_inverse() { return this.I_inverse_mu; } /** * Get the Inertia tensor to be used * * @return */ public RealMatrix getI_nominal() { return this.I; } /** * Get the inverse of the Inertia tensor ^-1 to be used * * @return */ public RealMatrix getI_inverse_nominal() { return this.I_inverse; } /** * Set of sun sensors exposed. * * @return */ public SetOfSunSensors getSetOfSunSensors() { return setOfSunSensors; } /** * Magnetometer exposed. * * @return */ public Magnetometer getMagnetometer() { return magnetometer; } /** * Gyroscope exposed. * * @return */ public Gyroscope getGyroscope() { return gyroscope; } /** * Set of magnetorquer exposed. * * @return */ public SetOfMagnetorquers getSetOfMagnetorquer() { return setOfMagnetorquer; } /** * Set of reaction wheels exposed. * * @return */ public SetOfReactionWheels getSetOfReactionWheels() { return setOfReactionWheels; } /** * telemetry methods - sun error. * * @param currentState * @return * @throws OrekitException */ public double[] getSunError(SpacecraftState currentState) throws OrekitException { Rotation errorQuaternions = null; if (!modeUsingAttitude) { // a rotation (quaternion) // from actual reading of the sensors (in the body system) to // the reference (in the body system) // it was working with that errorQuaternions = new Rotation( getSetOfSunSensors().read(currentState), sunReference_body); logger.trace( "Quaternion (actual reading to reference): Q1 {} Q2 {} Q3 {} Q4 {} ", errorQuaternions.getQ1(), errorQuaternions.getQ2(), errorQuaternions.getQ3(), errorQuaternions.getQ0()); } else { if (targetQuaternion == null){ // a rotation (quaternion) // from actual reading of the sensors (in the eci system) to // the reference (in the eci system) // IN THE ECI SYSTEM final Vector3D sun = currentState.toTransform().getInverse() .transformVector(getSetOfSunSensors().read(currentState)); final Vector3D sunT = currentState.toTransform().getInverse() .transformVector(sunReference_body); targetQuaternion = new Rotation(sun, sunT); "Target quaternion defined - - Q1 {} Q2 {} Q3 {} Q4 {} ", targetQuaternion.getQ1(), targetQuaternion.getQ2(), targetQuaternion.getQ3(), targetQuaternion.getQ0() ); errorQuaternions = targetQuaternion; } else { // computing difference from target quaternion to // observed quaternion // q_error = q_observed^-1 * q_target // Wertz 18-43b RealMatrix qt = MatrixUtils.createRealMatrix(4, 4); qt.setEntry(0, 0, targetQuaternion.getQ0()); qt.setEntry(0, 1, targetQuaternion.getQ3()); qt.setEntry(0, 2, -targetQuaternion.getQ2()); qt.setEntry(0, 3, targetQuaternion.getQ1()); qt.setEntry(1, 0, -targetQuaternion.getQ3()); qt.setEntry(1, 1, targetQuaternion.getQ0()); qt.setEntry(1, 2, targetQuaternion.getQ1()); qt.setEntry(1, 3, targetQuaternion.getQ2()); qt.setEntry(2, 0, targetQuaternion.getQ2()); qt.setEntry(2, 1, -targetQuaternion.getQ1()); qt.setEntry(2, 2, targetQuaternion.getQ0()); qt.setEntry(2, 3, targetQuaternion.getQ3()); qt.setEntry(3, 0, -targetQuaternion.getQ1()); qt.setEntry(3, 1, -targetQuaternion.getQ2()); qt.setEntry(3, 2, -targetQuaternion.getQ3()); qt.setEntry(3, 3, targetQuaternion.getQ0()); RealVector qo_ = new ArrayRealVector(new double[] { -currentState.getAttitude().getRotation().getQ1(), -currentState.getAttitude().getRotation().getQ2(), -currentState.getAttitude().getRotation().getQ3(), currentState.getAttitude().getRotation().getQ0() }); RealVector qe = qt.operate(qo_); // Rotation based on qe errorQuaternions = new Rotation(qe.getEntry(3), qe.getEntry(0), qe.getEntry(1), qe.getEntry(2), false); logger.trace( "Quaternion (COMPUTED): Q1 {} Q2 {} Q3 {} Q4 {} ", errorQuaternions.getQ1(), errorQuaternions.getQ2(), errorQuaternions.getQ3(), errorQuaternions.getQ0()); } } return new double[] { errorQuaternions.getQ0(), errorQuaternions.getQ1(), errorQuaternions.getQ2(), errorQuaternions.getQ3() }; } /** * Kinetic energy in the satellite. * * @param currentState * @return * @throws OrekitException */ public double getKineticEnergy(SpacecraftState currentState) throws OrekitException { RealVector angularVelocity_body = new ArrayRealVector(getGyroscope() .read(currentState).toArray(), true); double firstComponent = angularVelocity_body.dotProduct(I .operate(angularVelocity_body)) / 2; if (getSetOfReactionWheels() == null) { return firstComponent; } else { double secondComponent = angularVelocity_body .dotProduct(new ArrayRealVector(getSetOfReactionWheels() .getInertiaTensorContribution().operate( getSetOfReactionWheels().getState() .getAngularVelocity().toArray()))); double thirdComponent = new ArrayRealVector( getSetOfReactionWheels().getState().getAngularVelocity() .toArray()).dotProduct(new ArrayRealVector( getSetOfReactionWheels().getInertiaTensorContribution() .operate( getSetOfReactionWheels().getState() .getAngularVelocity().toArray()))) / 2; return firstComponent + secondComponent + thirdComponent; } } /** * Exposes the controller. * * @return */ public Controller getController() { return controller; } /** * @return the setOfMagnetorquerController */ public SetOfMagnetorquersController getSetOfMagnetorquerController() { return setOfMagnetorquerController; } /** * @return the spacecraftState */ public SpacecraftState getSpacecraftState() { return spacecraftState; } /** * @param spacecraftState * the spacecraftState to set */ public void setSpacecraftState(SpacecraftState spacecraftState) { this.spacecraftState = spacecraftState; } /** * @return the externalTorquesMagnitude */ public double getExternalTorquesMagnitude() { return externalTorquesMagnitude; } /** * @return the alpha1 */ public double getAlpha1() { return alpha1; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see java.lang.Object#toString() */ @Override public String toString() { return "Satellite [\n setOfMagnetorquer=" + setOfMagnetorquer + ",\n setOfReactionWheels=" + setOfReactionWheels + ",\n controller=" + controller + ",\n setOfMagnetorquerController=" + setOfMagnetorquerController + ",\n angularVelocityReference_body=" + angularVelocityReference_body + ",\n sunReference_body=" + sunReference_body + ",\n externalTorquesMagnitude=" + externalTorquesMagnitude + ",\n alpha1=" + alpha1 + "]"; } }