%0 Journal Article %@resumeid %@resumeid %@resumeid 8JMKD3MGP5W/3C9JGGL %X This paper presents a numerical study aiming to understand the generating mechanism of poorly studied equatorial plasma irregularities known as equatorial quasiperiodic echoes. Employing a two-dimensional model of the collisional interchange instability, the simulations are able to reproduce the spatial periodic features of this kind of irregular structures. The usage of an instability seeding source considering an overlap of two gravity waves with different wavelengths was capable to produce such quasiperiodic structures. The results suggest that the penetration of the equatorial plasma bubble fringe fields in typical altitudes of the valley region may be the physical mechanism responsible for the structures. Additionally, the simulation results indicate that the lower wavelength gravity wave dominates over the quasiperiodic nature of the these irregularities. The simulations results present considerable agreement with radar and in situ measurements of these quasiperiodic structures. %8 Aug. %N 8 %9 journal article %T Quasiperiodic rising structures in the E-F Valley region below the equatorial plasma bubble: a numerical study %@electronicmailaddress %@electronicmailaddress %@electronicmailaddress alexandre.pimenta@inpe.br %@nexthigherunit 8JMKD3MGPCW/3ETL868 %@secondarytype PRE PI %K Numerical simulation, Equatorial plasma irregularities, Equatorial QuasiPeriodic echoes. %@usergroup self-uploading-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR %@usergroup simone %@group %@group %@group DIDAE-CGCEA-INPE-MCTIC-GOV-BR %@group %@group DIDAE-CGCEA-INPE-MCTIC-GOV-BR %@tertiarymark Trabalho não Vinculado à Tese/Dissertação %@issn 2169-9380 %2 sid.inpe.br/mtc-m21c/2019/ %@affiliation Chinese Academy of Sciences %@affiliation Instituto Tecnológico da Aeronáutica (ITA) %@affiliation Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE) %@affiliation Chinese Academy of Sciences %@affiliation Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE) %@affiliation Chinese Academy of Sciences %@affiliation Chinese Academy of Sciences %B Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics %@versiontype publisher %P 7247-7255 %4 sid.inpe.br/mtc-m21c/2019/ %@documentstage not transferred %D 2019 %V 124 %@doi 10.1029/2019JA026620 %A Savio, Simoel, %A Sousasantos, Jonas, %A Pimenta, Alexandre Alvares, %A Yang, Guotao, %A Kherani, Esfhan Alam, %A Wang, Chi, %A Liu, Z., %@dissemination WEBSCI; PORTALCAPES; AGU; SCOPUS. %@area CEA %@holdercode {isadg {BR SPINPE} ibi 8JMKD3MGPCW/3DT298S}