package br.inpe.cmc202.satellite.sensors; import org.hipparchus.geometry.euclidean.threed.Rotation; import org.hipparchus.geometry.euclidean.threed.Vector3D; import org.hipparchus.util.FastMath; import org.orekit.errors.OrekitException; import org.orekit.frames.Frame; import org.orekit.frames.Transform; import; import; import; import org.orekit.propagation.SpacecraftState; import org.orekit.time.TimeScalesFactory; import org.orekit.utils.Constants; import org.orekit.utils.TimeStampedPVCoordinates; /** * * This class represent the magnetometer in the satellite. * * @author alessandro.g.romero * */ public class Magnetometer { final private Frame ecef; /** * Constructor with reference to ECEF. * * @param ecef */ public Magnetometer(Frame ecef) { this.ecef = ecef; } /** * Read method. * * @param currentState * @return * @throws OrekitException */ public Vector3D read(SpacecraftState currentState) throws OrekitException { // current position and angular cordinates TimeStampedPVCoordinates pvCoord = currentState.getPVCoordinates(); // transform from eci to body Transform c_body_eci = currentState.toTransform(); // transform from eci to ecef Transform c_ecef_eci = currentState.getOrbit().getFrame() .getTransformTo(ecef, currentState.getDate()); // transform from ecef to eci Transform c_eci_ecef = c_ecef_eci.getInverse(); // getting ECEF coordinates Vector3D position_ecef = c_ecef_eci.transformVector(pvCoord .getPosition()); // getting LLA coordinates Vector3D position_lla = transformECEFToLLA(position_ecef); // get magnetic field in ned Vector3D magneticFieldVector_ned = getMagneticFieldVector_ned( currentState, position_lla); // transform to ecef // THERE WAS A PROBLEM HERE v0.0.1 - PARAMETERS EXCHANGED position_lla, // magneticFieldVector_ned, Vector3D magneticFieldVector_ecef = transformNEDtoECEF( magneticFieldVector_ned, position_lla); // transform to eci Vector3D magneticFieldVector_eci = c_eci_ecef .transformVector(magneticFieldVector_ecef); // transform to body Vector3D magneticFieldVector_body = c_body_eci .transformVector(magneticFieldVector_eci); // checking the norm of the vector, trying to detect computation // problems during the transformations double err = 0.0001d; if (((magneticFieldVector_ned.getNorm() - err) > magneticFieldVector_ecef .getNorm() || (magneticFieldVector_ned.getNorm() + err) < magneticFieldVector_ecef .getNorm()) || ((magneticFieldVector_ned.getNorm() - err) > magneticFieldVector_eci .getNorm() || (magneticFieldVector_ned.getNorm() + err) < magneticFieldVector_eci .getNorm()) || ((magneticFieldVector_ned.getNorm() - err) > magneticFieldVector_body .getNorm() || (magneticFieldVector_ned.getNorm() + err) < magneticFieldVector_body .getNorm())) { throw new RuntimeException( "Error rotating the magnetic vector! Compare the norms: ned " + magneticFieldVector_ned.getNorm() + " ecef " + magneticFieldVector_ecef.getNorm() + " eci " + magneticFieldVector_eci.getNorm() + " body " + magneticFieldVector_body.getNorm()); } return magneticFieldVector_body; } /** * * * * 2.2 ECEF to LLA * * WGS84 Parameters * * @param ecefPosition * @return */ public Vector3D transformECEFToLLA(Vector3D ecefPosition) { // auxiliary parametrers - constant in the simulation final double a = Constants.WGS84_EARTH_EQUATORIAL_RADIUS; final double f = Constants.WGS84_EARTH_FLATTENING; final double b = a * (1 - f); final double firstEccentricity = FastMath .sqrt((FastMath.pow(a, 2) - FastMath.pow(b, 2)) / FastMath.pow(a, 2)); final double secondEccentricity = FastMath .sqrt((FastMath.pow(a, 2) - FastMath.pow(b, 2)) / FastMath.pow(b, 2)); // auxiliary parameters - dependent of position final double p = FastMath.sqrt(FastMath.pow(ecefPosition.getX(), 2) + FastMath.pow(ecefPosition.getY(), 2)); final double theta = FastMath.atan((ecefPosition.getZ() * a) / (p * b)); // latitude (radians), longitude(radians) and altitude (meters) // varphi - latitude ranges from -pi/2 to pi/2 final double varphi = FastMath.atan((ecefPosition.getZ() + FastMath .pow(secondEccentricity, 2) * b * FastMath.pow(FastMath.sin(theta), 3)) / (p - FastMath.pow(firstEccentricity, 2) * a * FastMath.pow(FastMath.cos(theta), 3))); // lambda - longitude ranges from -pi to pi // so it is needed to use atan2 (y,x) instead of atan(y/x) final double lambda = FastMath.atan2(ecefPosition.getY(), ecefPosition.getX()); // intermediary value need - dependent on varphi final double n = a / (FastMath.sqrt(1 - FastMath.pow(firstEccentricity, 2) * FastMath.pow(FastMath.sin(varphi), 2))); // altitude final double h = (p / FastMath.cos(varphi)) - n; return new Vector3D(varphi, lambda, h); } /** * @param currentState * @param pvCoord * @return * @throws OrekitException */ protected Vector3D getMagneticFieldVector_ned(SpacecraftState currentState, Vector3D llaPosition) throws OrekitException { // GET GeoMagneticField double year = GeoMagneticField.getDecimalYear(currentState.getDate() .getComponents(TimeScalesFactory.getUTC()).getDate().getDay(), currentState.getDate() .getComponents(TimeScalesFactory.getUTC()).getDate() .getMonth(), currentState.getDate() .getComponents(TimeScalesFactory.getUTC()).getDate() .getYear()); GeoMagneticField model = GeoMagneticFieldFactory.getIGRF(year); // lat(degrees), long (degrees), alt (km) GeoMagneticElements result = model.calculateField( FastMath.toDegrees(llaPosition.getX()), FastMath.toDegrees(llaPosition.getY()), llaPosition.getZ() / 1000); // magneticFieldVector in ned (measured in - nT - nanoTesla) return result.getFieldVector(); } /** * * * * 2.4 Converting ECEF Velocities to Local Tangent Plane Velocities * * * html * * WGS84 Parameters * * @param nedPosition * (radians) * @return */ protected Vector3D transformNEDtoECEF(Vector3D vector_ned, Vector3D position_lla) { Rotation c_ned_ecef = new Rotation(new double[][] { { -FastMath.sin(position_lla.getX()) * FastMath.cos(position_lla.getY()), -FastMath.sin(position_lla.getX()) * FastMath.sin(position_lla.getY()), FastMath.cos(position_lla.getX()) }, { -FastMath.sin(position_lla.getY()), FastMath.cos(position_lla.getY()), 0 }, { -FastMath.cos(position_lla.getX()) * FastMath.cos(position_lla.getY()), -FastMath.cos(position_lla.getX()) * FastMath.sin(position_lla.getY()), -FastMath.sin(position_lla.getX()) } }, 0.000001d); Rotation c_ecef_ned = c_ned_ecef.revert(); // vector in ecef Vector3D vector_ecef = c_ecef_ned.applyTo(vector_ned); return vector_ecef; } }